Cyclotourism Development Platform

As the part of INTERREG IPA program of cross-border cooperation between Romania and Serbia, realization of the project named  “Tour de Banat” has started in the Municipality of Nova Crnja. This project has gathered three partners: the municipality of Nova Crnja as the project leader, the municipality of Jimbolia (Romania) and the Regional center for socio – economic development of Banat, having the mutual idea to contribute to the sustainable economic development of the region, through strengthening and promotion of the cross-border tourist offer and creation of conditions for cyclotourism development.  

One of the main preconditions for development of this kind of tourism is the appropriate infrastructure and institutional support, therefore within this project the first Regional center for development of cyclotourism in Serbia will be established, under the name of “Tour de Banat”, with its seat in Srpska Crnja, as well as the tourist stop for cyclists in Jimbolia (Romania). This Regional center for cyclotourism will be developed as a multi-purpose facility, available to all target groups. Regional center for cycling “Tour de Banat” will be the leader and initiator of cyclotourism development in the cross-border region, while its role will be realized through three key activities: education, providing support to all cyclists and cycling centers.

This project includes development of interactive web portal, facebook page and mobile application, which will offer all necessary information about new cycling routes (De Tours), as well as all tourist locations and attractions to all cyclists who want to visit this region. One of the preconditions for valorization of local tourist potentials is the appropriate infrastructure (traffic signaling), which will enable the cyclists to discover all the beauties and attractions of this region. The part of the project will be the creation of a broad cross-border net of tourist subjects from all sectors, as well as strengthening the capacities for offering high-quality tourist services. 

Project realization will last fifteen months, which will include development and information activities too. Development activities are mapping and defining of four new cycling routs in this region, which will be called “De turs”, while information activities include creation of mobile applications, printed maps, which will help, cyclists get along.

With all considered activities, this project will contribute to the development of sustainable capacities for cyclotourism development in the cross-border region, which will, through the integrated package of developed project tools and services, improve the attraction and visibility of this region and position it on the European map of cycling corridors EuroVelo.

The project total value is 535.933,01 EUR, realization period:  July 2017 – October 2018.

Tour de Banat app for android devices

Download Tour de Banat android application from Google play service